My Jackson 5: Nora Lee

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nora Lee

Well, it has been quite the week for the Jackson family. Last Wednesday we welcomed Nora Lee Jackson into the world at 8am weighing 7lb 4oz and 22.5in. She is beautiful and thankfully looks like mom:) Also to my great surprise has a headfull of black hair!! The surgery went well and we were able to cuddle in the recovery room. Shortly after she started showing signs of distress and trouble breathing. This quickly developed into a very serious matter and was transported to Children's Hospital in Denver. I never thought I would have to go through this experience again. Being away from my brand new baby and have her in a completely different hospital. What was a joyous day quickly turned into panic and heartache.

In the days following, Nora developed a type of pneumonia from fluid in her lungs which then promted a pneumo thorax(hole in the lung) which caused her right lung to collapse. After being ventilated, having a chest tube put in, and countless lines and IVs, Nora is on the road to recovery. Thanks to prayer and the wonderful Doctors and nurses at Children's. She came off the ventilator, chest tube and IV yesterday and today has lost her oxygen supplement. She was able to nurse this morning and has been nursing since. Her antibiotics are completed tomorrow and her last line in her little body will be out! We look to go home Thursday or Friday...fingers crossed!!

It has been such an emotional journey and heartbreaking, but God is in control and in a way has prepared us for this. It is a true miracle the birth of a child and I will never take for granted how much a healthy, perfect baby born is. Please continue to pray for Nora's recovery and health as we come to the end of this chapter. God is Good!


  1. I'm so sorry you had to go through having your little one in the hospital again. However, I'm glad she's doing better and that you can welcome her home soon!!

  2. I couldn't imagine going through that twice. BUT I am thankful Nora is doing much better. God is looking out for her & your family. She will be home in your arms in no time.
