My Jackson 5: Baby Update

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Baby Update

Well, after a fun hospital visit last night we were able to go home to cook Nora a little bit more! I know Mike Wishard was very very relieved at this news as he was the stand in babysitter for the girls last night. As we were walking out the door he says "so, I've never changed a diaper before". Before I could panic Andy shuvs me out the door and yells back "It's pretty self explanitory man". But fortunately is was false labor and we were able to come home and Lord willing wait till Wed of next week to meet our newest little girl.

It seems God has lined up everything lately and now I'm starting to see why. Andy accepted a new job which officially starts Dec 1st. He will be in another round of training for 2 months(convenienty the time of my maternity leave). He's been in training the last 2 months which has thrown our schedule out of whack, but this round is sure to test us. He will work 6 12 hour days/nights then have 3 days off. This rotation will continue for the next 2 months!! I'll be glad to meet my husband again after that time. A trip with just the 2 of us will definitely have to be put into works. But until then it's going to be a hard 2 months:) It seems God has been bringing in sooo many changes since July, and I'm trying so hard to listen and see where He is leading us, but it's so hard. My OCD is getting pruned I believe, lol. I can't stand not being in control and knowing the outcome so this is new new new territory for me.

But I am still amazed daily at the power of prayer. As I prayed today before doing our budget and bills (and I'll openly admit I was scared to death about it because it is our first single income budget!) I asked God to please provide for us and give me peace of mind and surrender control to Him. And after I finished all the bills and budget for the next few months I was extremely encouraged to have all the numbers work out! But even better after that we received Andy's paystub in the mail and his check was double what it normally is!!! God is amazing and is faithful to provide!! We started the Dave Ramesy Total Money Makeover and God just supplied our babystep one! Though the extra money was a wonderful security, but more that was the comfort of knowing my heavenly Father cares and provided me comfort in His answer. I know these times can be so hard with Christmas and year end finances, but God taught me once again to lean on Him and give Him my worries and remain faithful and He will provide. Again we are so blessed and I hope those few of you who read this will be abundantly blessed this Christmas season!


  1. So next Wednesday is the big day. That's too funny about your friend changing a diaper. God id good. I keep praying for a miracle for a new job, he's traching me patience through my frustration.. ahhh!

  2. Glad to get the update ... praying for you and ALL your girls! :)

  3. The Andy-Mike interaction made me laugh so hard. It sounds like they haven't changed a bit! Glad to hear you and your newest little one are doing well.
