My Jackson 5: Who I am

Who I am

I am a very blessed wife to the most amazing man ever!  Andy and I have been married 3 years this March and God has blessed us with 3 children.  Abbie and Ella who turn 2 in February, and Nora who was born November of 2010.  Life has been very fast and busy these 3 years we've been together, but we have grown so much together and as a family I wouldn't change a thing!

This is my space in society where I chart the trevails and triumphs of motherhood.  There is so much to learn that I get overwhelemed at times, but I know God gives us exactly what we can handle.  So here I am doing my best to be a Godly diligent mother to raise strong, independant, loving, Godly and compassionate kids.  I make a lot of mistakes, butI've learned so much making them that they are worth it(to an extent). 

I am far from the woman I want to be or the mom I want to be, but I am an avid learner from others an I wanted to write down my journey for those needing a laugh or encouragement in hard times.  Enjoy the stories and pictures and thanks for sharing in this walk with me!