My Jackson 5: Couponing

Saturday, February 5, 2011


It seems the latest craze is couponing! Everywhere there are advertisements for half offs, deals-n-steals, and massive BOGO offers. There are some AWESOME deals out there to be had, but the digging is time consuming and very, very addicting! I admit I have gotten caught up in it the last year, but now after going through the craze I've come up with a few certainties...

1. Of all the offers I purchased, I really only needed 2 of them.
2. 90% of all coupons in the Sunday paper are for processed, artificially flavored, sugar loaded junk food that I don't need or should ever buy.
3. Most of the household cleaning/paper products coupons still are more expensive with the coupon than the store brand product.
4. Diaper coupons are great IF the brand is on sale with a manufacturing coupons and a store coupon.

Don't get me wrong I'm all about saving money, but the time that it takes to research, clip, drive and organize the good deals cuts into my family time immensely! I was spending more time learning to be cheap than with my kids or being an attentive mom, lol. So in this Jackson household we use coupons...when they have them for the things we normally buy:) Maybe in the future when my kiddos are a little less dependant I'll have the time to set aside for this endeavor. But for now it's scanning the store fliers and clipping Sunday coupons for things we regularly buy.

There are some great sites out there that walk you through couponing and post good deals a lot.

Good luck to all those moms out there couponing!

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