Well, it's been a busy, busy summer! We've been from Florida to Duluth this summer and have had a blast! We took two big trips, one to Florida (just me and the girls) and one to Wisconsin to see family. It was fun traveling, but a LOT of work with two toddlers!! I can honestly say motherhood has turned me into a hermit...and gladly! I ran to the grocery store tonight after Andy got home from work and I had to laugh because I couldn't remember the last time I drove in the dark! And how hard it was too!! My eyes were wiggin out and I totally sympathized with my grandma and how she doesn't like to do it:)
Anyways, Andy and I have both been working a lot. Summer is always a busy time for my job so I put in extra hours to help out which has made the last month of Summer fly by! I'm all to eager to see it leave...we've had intense heat and I'm ready for fall and cooler weather! I've already decorated the house for fall in hopes that the cooler weather will follow!
Well, I'm sure most everyone knows, but we are expecting our 3rd little girl this Thanksgiving! God decided we needed our family a little larger:) Little Nora Lee is scheduled to be born the day after Thanksgiving...yes the twins will be 19 months old. I'll be very, very busy for awhile, but I hold to the fact that God promises to never give me more than I can handle!!
I hope everyone had a great Summer and I promise to try and post more frequently.
God Bless!
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