Well it certainly has been an eventful week so far! But by the grace of God, He's got us through it unscathed:)
Sunday started out with a bang...getting ready for church, both girls screaming, whining and fighting. The dog DESTROYS the laundry room (yes...a lot of poop!). I turn into a bawling basket case and cry it out in the closet with the girls banging on the door. Needless to say we didn't make it to church that morning.
Monday is Doctor visit day. I take the girls by myself for their regular 18mo checkup and also to get their flu shots. We come out of it with an Ear infection for Abbie and a Sinus infection for Noodle and three immunizations for each! For those moms out there who have had to do shots with their kids...you understand how hard it is to do it by yourself especially with two kiddos! I am fortunate to have a great Peed who treats the girls like they're her own so she was a great stand in for Andy:)
Then Tuesday rolls around...I knew something didn't feel right all day, but after I got home from work and the girls settled for bed it continued to get worse. Andy was on nights and the doctor made me come in(drive an hour to Loveland at midnight). Praise God the contractions were only from a wicked UTI, so we make it back home at the wee hours of the morning and let my WONDERFUL neighbor Christy go home.
So here I am Wednesday venting about the difficulties I've had this week, but as I'm writing this it makes me realize how incredibly blessed we are. My girls had no symptoms and weren't crabby even though they had infections. God gave me the best devotion on Sunday morning while the girls were napping in place of my missed service. And Tuesday He took care of what could have been a serious complication and all is well. I have no place whining about how "hard" my week has been. God is so good and I pray He keeps my eyes open and heart soft to see all the blessings in the thorn and look for a way to grow out of the hardships. So for anyone else out there having a hard week...know that you're not alone and God is right there with you.
God Bless!